July 16, 2024
Posted in
Client case study
Charlotte Barham

Automated Video Match Alerts: What a transformation!

When the partnership was signed between the Mumbai Indians and Pushologies early 2024, the aim was to revolutionise their fan experience during the IPL season; primarily with live in-game updates and utilising the suite of notification types available through the Pushologies platform to optimise every engagement opportunity.

A staggering 20M notifications were sent to their app users over the eight-week season where the open, and engagement rates were outstanding! Mumbai Indians used a variety of standard text, rich image, interactive-video and carousel notifications to engage their fans at different times with news, match and team updates, new content and merchandise.

Match Alerts

Over 8M video notifications were sent across the 14 games played by the Mumbai Indians from March through to mid-May. Every Over, Half Century, Wicket was captured and shared with fans in real-time, taking the fan experience to new heights and ensured their fans were kept up to date with every moment throughout every game! With open rates over two and a half times higher than industry averages and engagement rates as high as 75%, these results truly celebrate the success of the in-game marketing campaigns.  

These in-game match alerts were complimented by standard and carousel notifications to keep fans engaged pre and post-match. Utilising the carousel to promote merchandise purchases resulted in engagement rates averaging at an incredible 36%, providing an abundance of opportunities to maximise revenue streams.
