June 20, 2024
Posted in
Client case study
Charlotte Barham

Fan engagement and user experience. What a transformation!

Following the collaboration between Sportian and Pushologies in August 2023, LALIGA has reinvented fan engagement through their official app and the results speak for themselves! As one of the most prestigious football leagues in the world, LALIGA’s fan engagement strategy is to maximise the diverse opportunities available to enhance their fans’ connections and experiences.  


Instagram carousels have proven to be one of the most engaging posts in digital media and Pushologies carousel notification brings that same success to the home screen of every fan’s mobile device. It opens up a whole new world of possibilities for engagement and content promotion through the delivery of multiple stories, articles and featured content, each individually interactive, and all wrapped up in one notification.  

For LALIGA this provided an opportunity to communicate schedules and multiple news articles within a single content-based engaging notification. Not only did this facilitate real time communication, but it also provided valuable insight into what each of their fans are interested in, how engaged they are and reduce the number of notifications sent without losing the ability to share the content.


Over the first 6 months, LALIGA fans who have the official app on their mobile devices downloaded over 8.8million carousel notifications, with open rates 52% higher than sector average and engagement rates averaging at 44%, the fans’ experiences have been transformed and they are clearly enjoying the new standard!

By reviewing the behavioural data associated with a carousel campaign, LALIGA are able to validate the effectiveness and appeal of the news articles presented in the carousel tiles.

One campaign confirmed a staggering 59% engagement rate with one particular news article, which not only sheds light on the preferences of their fans, but also enables the team to create and deliver more personalised, targeted marketing campaigns in the future, which they know their fans will love!